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Revision Log
Sticky Revision: |
0150-3970, 0150-4433, 0150-4071, 0150-4414: generated.
Addieren von LN055-X-TTL_20210428.adp
0150-4589, 0150-4590 enabled.
0150-3767 ADF V3S6 for linear part generated.
MinMCSW changed to 6.9
ADF 2S Stators V3S5 generated.
ATEX Stators, 0150-4349, 0150-4393, 0150-3779_LP generated.
Correction in NDS056-M1-210-60000-ECN1313_20210325.adc StatorName was incorrect
-SF Slider added in nPS01-48x240F-HP-C (Used in F-Guide)// 0150-4613, 0150-4394 added.
Add ATS NDS056-M1-210-60000-ECN1313_20210318.adc
Add Movinor LN070-1-B_20201118.adp
0150-3781 V3S6 Linear Part (PR02-88x76-C_48x240F-HP-C-150-L01_MS08_TS00): generated.
0150-4308 (SM01-37Sx120F-HP-R-320_BE01_SSCP) generated
PR02-88: 0150-3780 and 0150-3782 V3S6 enabled
0150-1197_RP_V3S1_20210218.adp und 0150-2704_RP_V3S1_20210218.adp addiert und MotorLog.txt angepasst
0150-3973 (PR02-52x60-R_37x120F-HP-R-100_MS54_TS00): ADP generated.
0150-4615 added
Moon SM60 Motor addiert und MotorLog.txt angepasst
SM01: generated
PR01-L, DM01-23 and DM01-37 with MS: generated
add Motors Wittenstein_EC_BiSS_M and MLU15-6S
PR02-38 new generated
ADP for 0150-1244 V3S4
2S Stators List completed.
0150-3946 (PS01-23x80-W250_V3S4), 0150-4437 (SM01-37Sx60-HP-R-100_MS02_SSCP). (D_MF_F007)
PS01-2S Stators new generated (Slider and Motor Data from DB)
PS01-23x-SSCP generated (D_MF_F005)
PS01-37x240F-XX_V3S4_20201120 generated.
0150-2882, 0150-4533 added (D_MF_F002)
Koorektur in MotorLog.txt
Bei linearen Faulhaber-Motoren die Funktion Countdirection repariert und addiert.
0150-4173 enabled
0150-4176 ADF File Added
PS02-23Sx80F-HP-K-AGI_V3S4_20200925, PS01-23x160H-HP-W250_V3S4_20200925, PS01-23x160H-HP-Hd25-A06_V3S4_20200925 PL01-12x690/650-HP added.
PL01-12x690/650-HP added
PS10-70-SSC new generated
PS01-23x160-HP-NX-D245_V3S4_20200921.adp, PS01-23x160F-M25-GD02_V3S4_20200921.adp, PS01-23x160H-HP-Hd25-A06_V3S4_20200921.adp added
0150-1583 ADP Linear and Rotative
ADP for 0150-4365 (PS01-48x240F-HP-EX-E_V3S4), 0150-2788 (PS02-23Sx80F-HP-K-AGI_V3S4), 0150-4307 (SM01-37Sx120F-HP-R-220_BE01_SSCP) added.
0150-4221, 0150-4358: ADF created
DM01-37: Gleiche Frontplatte vorne und hinter (Länge und Massen angepasst)
MotorLog changed (new date)
PR02-88... new version
VC: ADF P0x_Actual V3S4 generated
DM01-23x ADP files updated
PS02-23Sx80F-HP V3S4 added
MotorLog update and clean
Add Update with All
MotorLog update
Nochmals loeschen
Add two new adp files step 2
Add two new adp files
u must be small in update in the MotorLog.txt
Add All in the MotorLog.txt
MotorLog.txt modified
Test with autogen files
MotorLog file had an error
Add PS01-37x120F-HP
update MotorLog.txt
All added
update MotorLog update 20191022
Erste Motoren
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